Mission Notes
March, 2012
Members Present: Kelly Bovi, Grace and Paul Closius, Jody Hartis, Eric Kindberg, Chris Kramer, Ann Lashley, Alan Lindholm, Bill Roberts, Gary Roseman, Pat Schell and Pastor Ed
Chris opened with prayer and a devotion on wisdom. She referred to many sayings we hear everyday, many which are actually Scriptural.
SOJ fed 4 homeless families who were temporarily housed at Siler Presbyterian.
We cooked and served dinner for them 4 nights.
VDC and TEC info will be moved from Missions committee to Christian Ed.
Bulletin Board: Grace had some pics from the Child Evangelical Fellowship in Waxhaw, she will post these on the board. Pat will post the minutes. Any other things you feel we need to post, please do.
Newletter: We must get anything we want to have in the Newsletter to Ann by the deadline. Tracy does allow us an extra day because our meeting is usually on the day of the deadline.
Haiti: Mary Louise will be collecting medical supplies on a regular basis. Some people have given checks to be used for medical supplies.
Mission Trip and Fundraisers: The Barbecue will be this Friday and Saturday. Gary put out a plea for desserts, individually wrapped. Bring them Thrusday Eve or Friday Morning. Also anyone who wants to come and help, even for a short time is welcome.
Bible Stix: We will do this project in May and have a blessing of them on Memorial Day Sunday. Chris will publicize it after Easter.
Blood Drive: Drive is set for Tuesday,May 15th from 3-7. Pat asked for volunteers. Ann will help from 3 to 4. If anyone else would like to work for an hour or more please let Pat know.
Soup Kitchen: The student leaders served in March. July and August still are not filled.
Homeless Shelter: Alan will call to see what their needs might be.
Loaves and Fishes: They have their big collection on Mothers' Day, the boyscouts promote it. The biggest day to stock shelves is that Tuesday after Mothers' Day, which is the Blood Drive. Pat will check again to see if there is another time we could help. They said they would get back with us on other needs they might have for the year.
Community Culinary School: They could use some help painting, Ann will get more information on this.
Elderty Outreach: Brigitte has a woman who would be a good candidate for the program. She contacted as many elderly people as possible in our congregation. There were many women and a few men that applied. This ministry could be more than visiting, for example working in their yards and helping them get out to get groceries etc. We discussed if this ministry belongs under Missions as we are usually an outreach team. Do we want to take it outside of the congregation?
Garden: The leaves have been spread and the garden is ready to be tilled. Connie and Brigitte will lay out the garden. We discussed if we want to open it to the community, allowing anyone who to have a 10x10 plot for their own use. Eric volunteered to publicize this to the community. We will set a deadline on offering plots to the community for first come first serve by May 1st. Kelly offered fertilizer from her horse stall. Jody will join Kelly and Bill in championing this ministry.
Child Evangelism Fellowship: Grace passed around pictures taken there. She said it is going very well. They have plenty of volunteers and about 40 children.
Missionaries: Tilissa is getting ready for her Mission trip to Africa, which will be 6-8 weeks in the Senegal.Tilissa is raising money for her trip and will give the congregation an opportunity to partner with her. Gary requested that we put the money we allocated to her ministry at Campus Crusade towards that trip as she will be leaving that ministry after the trip. Chris will be posting info from Bobby and TiLissa as she receives it. We would like to start putting an article either in the newsletter or the blog about the missionaries who are serving from SOJ. Paul encouraged anyone who hasn't been to attend one of the JAARS open houses as they are very worthwhile. He also said we can listen to the Gullah recording at scriptureearth.com. He thanked us for our continued support.
Youth: They did a road clean-up.
HANDS: They will soon be handing out the Easter baskets to be filled and returned on Palm Sunday. The baskets will go to Union County Social Services.
Blog: Chris will be setting up a schedule for the Blog. A different Mission for each week of the month, for example, lst Tues of Mo. - Local Missions, 2nd week - Regional, 3rd week-International and last week focusing on one of our SOJ missionaries.
Next Meeting will be Tuesday, April 23rd at 7:00 in H-1.
Pat will have devotions,
We closed with the "Lord's Prayer".
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