Thursday, July 21, 2011

WV Mission Trip

Want to hear about the WV Mission Trip? 
Want to see photos from the trip? 

Then come to SOJ THIS Sunday - July 24 - and hear stories, see pictures and get a glimpse of the work God did this week. (during both services)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday Update

Ok - It's actually Tuesday morning, but that is ok!!!

There are three teams going to work on houses.  One is helping build an addition with a contractor. One is painting and scraping and painting. One is roofing and working on a bathroom. When everyone returned yesterday, they were hot, dirty, sweaty and smiling.

God is so good!!

In addition to the work teams, there are a couple of folks taking the kids to VBS.  Thomas, Sophie and Eli worked hard yesterday knocking on doors and inviting strangers to join us at VBS.  For 6-8 year olds, they truly showed that it wasn't about them and did things they would normally not do. We had one little girl show up for VBS, but firmly believe that we are exactly where God wants us and are doing what God wants us to do.

Evenings are filled with games, dinner, devotions and singing. New friendships are being forged. Relationships are being strengthened. Comfort zones are being stretched. God is above all being glorified!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Arrival in WV

The team arrived safely at rthe mission. We are settling in and getting organized. More updates later!