Mission Committee Meeting May 28, 2012
Chris Kramer opened the meeting with devotions from a book called, "When Helping Hurts."
The New Testament Bible Sticks-we will continue to accept donations through Sunday June 3rd. The sticks will be sent directly to Chaplains all over the world-they will know where th28 e needs are.
It was reported that Adam Lichtman will be coming home from Afghanistan soon.
The blood drive was held on May 15th. There were 29 donors who came. 28 were able to donate. The goal was 25.
Redeemer Lutheran's last service was on May 27h. Please pray that everyone is able to find a new church home, and that Pastor Ashley hears God's will for her life.
The West Virginia Mission Trip is set for July 19-27th. This is the biggest year yet as there are 67 people signed up to go. 57 for the weekend; 23 during the week; and 18 for both the weekend and the week.
The mission trip fundraiser is the chicken dinner which will be held this Saturday, June 9h from 6:P00-8:00 p.m. There will also be an auction. Bill Roberts reported that there weren't alot of people signed up yet. Deams Huffman is bringing the cookers for the chickens. They also need an auctioneer. Ann Lashley said that she would be glad to help with the shopping. Kelly Bovi said that she would help organize the auction items.
Chris Kramer showed us what the T-shirt for the mission trip is going to look like. She said they will be offered to anyone in the congregation who might want them. They will be red and black.
Kelly Bovi reported that the month of July is open for the soup kitchen (July 15th). Allen Lindhom said that he would check with his wife, Susan. Kelly said that she and Chris would do it if need be. The council is signed up to cook and serve o n June 17h and August 19th.
Allen reported that there really isn't a project needed by the Homeless Shelter. They are needing donations of meat and shampoo. We have $500 that we can use to fund them. We will look for a group in the church to do the shopping. Whoever does it can just turn in receipts and be reimbursed. There was also discussion about putting up a sign up sheet in the church for people to sign up on to volunteer to shop.
There was no report on Loaves and Fishes.
Vegetable Garden-Bill Roberts reported that there had been an e-mail from Dell Schell regarding the friendship gardens that help with the culinary school. There are 35 friendship gardens listed, but we are not one of them. We will check into seeing whether we can be added to this list. There are also workshops about gardening which are available for people to attend. Tim Hindes has gotten a plot in the garden. There don't seem to be as many people signing up for plots this year-we need people to do watering, picking, and weeding. There are plans to show the video about the garden again. There are problems with the well not working. Ann Lashley said that we need to get this fixed as soon as possible even if it costs money. All of the planting has been done and all of the 2012 supplies have been donated.
The Child Evangelism Fellowship at Waxhaw Elementary has concluded for the year, and will restart again in the fall.
There has been no communication from With Love from Jesus so we decided to scratch this from our list.
Eldercare-still trying to find an outreach in this area to assist with. Karen Thomas is checking into this.
Haiti-Supplies were mailed plus $2,000 for medications. The focus is currently on Ebenezer's Hospital.
Missionaries-Bobby Bender is still is South Sudan and is working with two new bosses. Paul and Grace Closius are going to Michigan for a joint trip of vacation and to raise money. Tilissa Roseman is overseas.
Youth-Chris Kramer reported the youth will be holding a bake sale to raise funds for the Senior Prom which is sold out.
The Guys are helping to replace fencing in Rummi Peter's yard.
HANDS will be holding a bake sale on October 14th.
Belize-Mr. Bell has experienced great progress of late. His leg pins have been removed and he is now in a cast and is able to sit in a wheelchair. He is living in the new house with his family. The cast is to be removed next week. He is determined to be walking soon and to return to work as soon as possible.
Craig Bender had sent a request for someone in Germany who was requesting funds to buy a laptop. After much discussion we decided that the e-mail was a mass e-mail that was sent out to several. We decided that this was something that we didn't feel right about being involved in.
Chris Kramer asked about doing a Compassion Sunday for child sponsorship. This will be done on Sunday, September 9th.
The next missions committee meeting will be held on Monday June 17th at 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed with the Lord's Prayer.